
Blog on Special Educational Needs - Asian College of Teachers

Amazing Strategies For Teaching Students With Down Syndrome

10th September 2021

Generally, kids with Down syndrome experience significant interruption and difficulties while learning to talk. Even though they characteristically understand much more than they can express but teaching students with down syndrome require effective instructional strategies. Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a chromosomal ailment in which additional genetic material grounds delays in the way a child grows, both mentally and physically.

Generally, children and teens with Down syndrome possess certain physical features like a flat facial profile, an upward angle to the eyes, small ears with a swollen tongue. They generally tend to grow at a sluggish rate and remain shorter than their peers. Earlier, kids with Down syndrome were not considered accomplished of processing language but things are very different today.

Helpful Ways For Teaching Students With Down Syndrome

Learners with Down syndrome generally have a range of aptitudes. They learn and develop new skills throughout their lives, however they reach their goals in a different stride. Here are some ways through which you can help kids with Down syndrome more effectively -

  • As children with Down syndrome have strong visual learning modalities, hence, teaching approaches have to be categorized by strong importance on visual education. Thus, visual demonstrations, pictures and illustrations have to be successfully implemented to provide effective instruction.
  • Additionally, the use of manipulatives and activity learning need to be helpfully employed in the development of number impressions. Nevertheless, the training of phonics and phonological awareness is also important.
  • Try to speak directly to the apprentice, use clear language and short sentences, along with appropriate and clear-cut facial expressions. Give enough time for the student to process language and respond.
  • Put up colorful charts around the room. If you get an opportunity, play videos with closed captions to strengthen content.
  • Group activities are also very helpful for learners with Down syndrome. Also, try to plan some special assignments that provide to the schoolchild’s fortes so that you can produce opportunities for definite accomplishment.
  • It is also important to be aware of any medical apprehensions related to Down syndrome that are precise to your learner.
  • Learners with Down syndrome usually determine good social skills, which can be fruitfully utilized to upsurge learning with various teaching opportunities. Tangible demonstrations along with activities also appeal to numerous children with Down syndrome.
  • Sign and gesture also support new vocabulary learning that shape semantic and syntactic knowledge aid to develop verbal aptitudes. Use emotionally neutral expressions.
  • A practical approach to applying categorized speech activities is suggested, for example to develop an awareness of sounds, words and syllables. Flashcards and computer programs can provide an automated substitute.
  • Encouraging active movement is an imperative educational goal which will encourage good health along with valuable life skills. Remember, kids with Down syndrome are able to follow classroom rules and routines as well, they only need assistance to remember instructions.

On the other hand, between 30-40% of kids with Down syndrome have apraxia of speech to some degree. Apraxia is a neurological condition that makes it problematic for an individual to control the muscles used in speech creation. However, it’s advantageous for kids with apraxia and Down syndrome to overlearn sound production through the repetition of single letters, syllables and words.

Understand that you can make a great difference in your student's life with the special educational needs online courses. The precise support from teachers as well as parents is important in helping these special children flourish and achieve their potential.


Written By : Katharina

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