
Blog on Special Educational Needs - Asian College of Teachers

Coexisting Conditions That Sometimes Come with ADHD

12th August 2020

Do you know more than two-thirds of children with ADHD have at least one other accompanying condition?

We are quite aware of the fact that untreated ADHD can give challenges in everyday life of a child, while some other conditions can also drive redundant suffering in children with ADHD as well as their families… if left untreated. That is why the awareness and proper diagnosis is extremely important. ADHD may coexist with one or more special needs conditions.

The major symptoms of ADHD are the inability to pay basic cognitive process, trouble in sitting, unmoving for sometime, travail in controlling the impulses and so on can make it difficult for children with this diagnosis to do good in educational institutions. Well, the unit of ADHD with other special needs oftentimes presents some extra troubles for children, parents, educators, and also the healthcare providers.

So, what are the common conditions and concerns that can occur with ADHD?

Disruptive Behavioral Special Needs

Researches have proved that most of the children and individuals with ADHD have the oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). Generally, this refers to a structure of arguing, losing the temper, refusing to ensue rules, blaming others, intentionally irritating others and getting provoked, bitter, malicious and revengeful in nature.

Sometimes, the children and individuals with ADHD may also have conduct disorder (CD). The children and individuals with CD may be aggressive to people or animals, may demolish belongings, may lie or slip things from others, may skip school and so on,

Mental State of Anxiety

Researches have also shown that the children and individuals with ADHD may also have an anxiety condition. Patients with anxiety conditions frequently get worried excessively about a number of things like school, work, etc. and may feel high-strung, stressed out, tired and nail-biting and have difficulty in getting a relaxing sleep. If the anxiety condition is recognized and treated, then the child will be capable to handle the problems that accompany ADHD in a better way. The effectual treatment of ADHD can have a constructive impact on anxiety as the child is better to learn the academic tasks.

Tourette Syndrome

This is quite rare, a very small quotient of children and individuals with ADHD have a neurological disorder called Tourette syndrome. Well, the people with Tourette syndrome have different nervous twitches with repetitive peculiarities, like eye blinks, facial twitches, or making a face. While others may clear their throats oftentimes, snort, sniff out, or bark out words. The proper medication helps in these behaviors to control. In such cases, both disorders often need treatment that may add medications.

Bipolar Disorder

Well, quite controversially, there are no surgical statistics on how many children with ADHD having the bipolar disorder, and differentiating between ADHD and bipolar disorder in childhood can be challenging. Well, the bipolar disorder is defined by temper cycling between the time periods of deep highs and low-level grounds. However, in children, bipolar disorder often appears to be a rather prolonged emotion dysregulation with a substance of psychological state and depression. Moreover, there are few grounds that can be existing both in ADHD and bipolar disorder.

Learning Special Needs

Researches have shown that up to 50% of children with ADHD have a coexisting learning disorder. Well, the learning disorders can drive many problems with how the children will grow or how to use fresh information such as reading or calculating. The most common learning disorders are dyslexia and dyscalculia. Along with this, some of the children with ADHD also have speech problems, compared with other children without ADHD.

Well, in conclusion, we can say that more research is required to understand ADHD and other special needs. The awareness is extremely necessary that can be learned from the ADHD courses online. Different kinds of treatment options that are available for ADHD include behavioral therapy, medication, skills training, counseling, school supports and accommodations with the help of the family. Early findings can improve the overall psychological prosperity and help to manage in developing the social relationships of children with ADHD.

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