Understanding the Landau Kleffner Syndrome in Autism
1st August 2020

This Landau-Kleffner Syndrome in Autism is also known as progressive epileptic aphasia and aphasia with abrupt disorder. Landau-Kleffner syndrome (LKS) is an occasional method of epilepsy. This is a rare childhood special need categorized by the damage of language understanding as well as the verbal countenance. Primarily, the natural speaking ability gets diminished and it tends to be labelled and tedious, but far less than the adult.
Sometimes the initial feature is the uncharacteristic absence and the communication problems are common. The cause of LKS is unidentified, nevertheless, the new genetic transformations have been found in kids. It was first pronounced in 1957 (Landau & Kleffner, 1957) and can be problematic to identify.
What do Landau-Kleffner Condition in Autism look like?
- The children who drop verbal skills because of Landau-Kleffner syndrome incline to be elder than the children who lose language because of the autism spectrum.
- The condition usually starts in kids between 2 and 8 years and the most common age of beginning is between 5 to 7 years that affects both genders correspondingly.
- Children with Landau-Kleffner syndrome can look to be deaf for the incapability to comprehend the spoken language.
- It can also disturb the aptitude to identify the sounds in over-all.
- The slow or unexpected damage of the ability to comprehend language sounds can be seen in a child who has been developing the condition.
A noteworthy group of children with Landau-Kleffner syndrome also develops some stern behavioural dysfunction, counting hyperactivity, anger upsurges, or withdrawn behaviour and so on. Landau-Kleffner syndrome is a sporadic special need that marks double as many males as females.
What causes Landau-Kleffner Syndrome?
Well, there are some atypical electrical appropriations in the language area of the brain in LKS. For a long time, we presumed that these appropriations stop the normal brain function in language areas so that the child loses his/her language skills. Nevertheless, this may be an individual part of the description. Researchers have discovered that some types of epilepsy occur due to an error in the genetic encryption which involves inappropriate directions that control the different signal transmission in the mind.
Quite recently, a genetic transformation (GRIN2A) has been reported in up to the 15% of individuals with LKS and in future, more and more researches will elucidate how such genetic factor defects to develop new treatments.
Support in Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
Landau-Kleffner Syndrome can be both incomprehensible and distressing for the child as well as for the family. As some kids are conscious about their missing abilities, ultimately, they become terrified and frustrated, they are vulnerable to deprived self-esteem and low mood as well. That is why it is important to support the child as much as possible by providing different opportunities to spend time happily.
We understand the fact that for parents, this is the very throbbing practice of watching their kid losing language skills. That is why parents must find ways to support their child who suddenly cannot understand the world as before, who may be troubled and frightened. Numerous parents reported that the behavioural changes in their child, mostly violence and sleep trouble, are the toughest parts to manage. It inevitably affects the entire family. Even the other family members may also need information about Landau-Kleffner Syndrome and the direction on their character.
However, at the same time parents and the other family members of the child with LKS may face many contradictory views by different professionals, which can be frightening, confusing and gruelling. It is common for parents to feel totally overwhelmed at these times. This is made more difficult by the lack of an identifiable ‘event’ such as a head injury or infection, with which to explain such a dramatic effect on their child. It is important for parents to identify local sources of support and to focus on online autism courses for teachers.
The early stages of the Landau-Kleffner Syndrome may be demonstrated by the symptoms of the autism and the primary treatment and diagnosis will help the child to live in a recovering way.