Facts About NLD Teaching Strategies

Facts About NLD Teaching Strategies

NLD Teaching StrategiesNonverbal learning disorder (NLD) or nonverbal learning disability is one of the most overlooked problems. NLD often gets along with anxiety and then the problem evolves into something gigantic. Another major issue that happens with children having NLD is that they can't communicate properly with anybody. Just like children with learning disabilities, they also face a lot of real challenges in their daily lives.

The learning disability course that is framed keeping in mind the condition of NLD children has helped teachers as well as parents immensely. The nonverbal learning disability teaching strategies use scientifically sane and modern technological methods to help children gain confidence in their level of communication.

Challenges faced by children having NLD:

Children having NLD have a significant issue with visual-spatial abilities. Their motor skills are not as fluent and smooth as any other child not going through this scenario.

People often confuse that the verbal skills of these children are not good. This is just an absolute shambolic fact. Children having nonverbal learning disabilities have good verbal skills but what they lack is visualizing the next picture. For example, these kids will not be able to perform well in a jigsaw puzzle game.

It has been often observed that children try to hide such problems at a young age. The problem begins as soon as they step into teenage or adolescence. At that point in time, it becomes visible to everyone that those kids are having problems in communication. This is why such kids become scared of going to schools or any other academic institution.

Often NLD is confused with ADHD because of the initial symptom like anxiety. The NLD kids cannot recognize facial expressions or any kind of non-verbal clue. The vocabulary stock of these kids is awesome but their visual-spatial skill is not at all great.

Trusting others blindly is another characteristic of the NLD kids. Irrespective of the tone of voice, be it sarcastic, funny, serious, or whatever else, they believe whatever they are being told. The power of adapting themselves to an ongoing process or an upcoming one is too low.

NLD children have the habit of asking questions repeatedly. This sometimes turns out to be vexing to others who do not know the root problem.

Helping the NLD kids:

Once it is identified that a child is diagnosed with a nonverbal learning disability, it is very much essential to figure out the problems he/she faces. Not every kid with NLD has the same problem. Some have visual problems, communication problems, abstract reasoning, etc. However, there are children who may have some problems different than the mentioned one.

Therefore, this learning disability course is designed in such a way where people can understand the exact location of the problem and can perform accordingly to get rid of them. There are some ways by which the NLD kids can be helped.

Identifying the problem:

Unless the basic problem does not get revealed, there is no point in looking for a solution. The kids are assessed based on certain factors like Mathematical concepts, organizational skills, visual and spatial awareness, social skills, and high-level comprehension. This step has been really effective.

The children understand that they are being assessed or rather being asked questions because the teachers or parents really want to get along with them conveniently. They develop a sense of comfort and start opening up. Gradually, they realize the factors that are bothering them, and hence proper measures can be taken to work on those areas.

Inclusive classroom:

Teachers take the sole responsibility of getting the NLD students back to mainstream classes. Students who are being identified with nonverbal learning disorders are put together in the same batch. Teachers focus on every problem these kids are facing. It might be that the batch is having kids with mixed abilities, then again, the tutors every single problem and work on it.

For each problem, there is a particular subject teacher who knows the best approaches to ease out the issue. A lot of assignments are given to the students in a manner that maps their level of interest. Thus, the NLD kids eventually overcome their fears and start becoming part of the mainstream group.


Like it has already been mentioned, kids with NLD do not have any problem with vocabulary. They face problems in arranging objects or rather do not understand how a certain thing is happening in chronological order. Thus, they must be given proper instructions related to how a process is happening.

Suppose, in a maths class the teacher is teaching 3 digits addition. Each and every step should include explicit instruction. An NLD kid must be taught how one digit is being added to another and the extra number is being carried forward. This is how that kid will get familiar with the entire process and his concept will be crystal clear.

Social skills:

Often, kids who are diagnosed with NLD have poor social skills. Their level of communication is not that smooth and they end up trusting everything they are being told. They are too naive in most places. This usually generates conflicts or misunderstandings among peers.

They should be taught the difference minutely and delicately by teachers. Otherwise, these kids will always get hurt which in turn will hurt their self-esteem and self-confidence.


They go through the toughest phase. The situation worsens when there are two or more siblings and one of them is having NLD. Being kids, none of them understand what nonverbal learning disorder is and, to be very honest, initially parents also do not understand the issue. Thus, sibling rivalry, conflicts, misunderstandings, etc., become a daily routine.

In that case, immediate consultation with an expert is required. Once it is being diagnosed, it is the responsibility of the parents to make other children understand the difficulty one is going through. Terms like, special problem, special ability can be used to ease out the level of uncomfortable among them.

Having said all this, every problem has a solution and it is okay to be the parents of an NLD kid. Parents must always remember that NLD children are never lagging behind anyone. They are super intelligent and their skills at some places are better than many others. All they need is extra care and non-verbal learning disability teaching strategies so that their insecurities eradicate and they blossom like fresh daisies.

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